A Revolutionary Treatment Option with Proven Results.
Ketamine IV Infusion Therapy is a revolutionary option for treating a variety of pain syndromes ranging from chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, depression, anxiety, and more.
Ketamine was discovered in 1962 and was approved for use in the United States in 1970. It was extensively used for surgical anesthesia in the Vietnam War, due to its safety. It is on the World Health Organization’s “List of Essential Medicine”, as the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system.
❖ Is Ketamine right for you?
Ketamine Infusion Therapy is a treatment plan typically reserved to patients that have exhausted many other treatment options. Most Ketamine patients have conditions that have been deemed “resistant” to traditional prescription medications and treatment plans.
❖ Long-Term solution:
Ketamine Infusion Therapy offers extended relief for chronic pain due to an array of conditions. Depression and anxiety are also well treated with Ketamine Infusions. This leads to improved well-being for much longer than traditional medications and treatment options.
❖ Noticeable results quickly:
The benefits of Ketamine Infusion Therapy can be realized within hours of receiving treatment.
❖ Improved long term health:
Less pain, less depression and anxiety create a positive change in patients almost immediately. After Ketamine Infusions, many patients are able to reduce or eliminate some of their medications all together. Reducing long-term medication translates to less side effects and improved health.
❖ How Ketamine works:
The nervous system is responsible for sending pain signals to the brain. Prolonged injury and subsequent chronic pain changes the way nerve transmissions are received. When chronic pain continues the body becomes over sensitized. The brain is receiving repeated painful stimuli which causes the nervous system to negatively respond. Ketamine infusions at Pain and Spine Specialists administer a regulated low-dose infusion of Ketamine. This works to break the cycle, calm an overactive nervous system, and this allows the body to “reset” the central nervous system and form new pathways.